On Saturday, Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor hosted an informal get-together with the paparazzi where they requested them to not click their daughter Raha's photos. Ranbir Kapoor also showed some clicks of baby Raha to the media on his phone.
Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt's request for the paparazzi comes after several B-town couples came forward to open up about privacy concerns. Previously, Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli had asked the media to steer clear of revealing their daughter Vamika's face. More recently, Sonam Kapoor told paps not to take photos of her son Vayu.Ranbir and Alia tied the knot on April 14 last year. They revealed their baby girl Raha's name in a sweet post that read, "The name Raha (chosen by her wise and wonderful Dadi) has so many beautiful meanings...Raha, in its purest form means divine path. In Swahili she is Joy, In Sanskrit, Raha is a clan, In Bangla - rest, comfort, relief, in Arabic peace, it also means happiness, freedom & bliss. And true to her name, from the first moment we held her - we felt it All! Thank you Raha, for bringing our family to life, it feels as though our lives have only just begun."
On the work front, Alia Bhatt is set to star in Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani, Heart of Stone and Jee Le Zaraa. Meanwhile, Ranbir Kapoor is set to star in Animal and Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar.
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