Known for his outright talk many times, director Ajay Bhupathi always puts some of the strong words out of his mouth. Though his latest movie “Mangalavaaram” got average to good reviews, this time, the director stated that some review writers are crossing all the limits.
Even before the release, Ajay Bhupathi requested most of the reviewers to not reveal the main plot points of the movie. He also requested everyone to not reveal the important twists, the climax and also the actor who played the one behind the brass mask. However, one particular reviewer is said to have revealed everything through a video and that has upset the RX100 fame director.
“99% of the reviewers really didn’t reveal anything about the story or the twists, though have given an in-depth review of the film. But there is this particular reviewer who noted everything in a diary and gave away all the details. One has to review a film ethically, whatever his review may be and should have the sense to not leak about the twists” said Ajay Bhupathi, sharing his thoughts at the success meet of the film. Well, the director has a point to be noted.