Director Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s Pan India film Animal with Ranbir Kapoor will have its theatrical trailer released tomorrow. Meanwhile, the movie is done with its censor scrutiny and it received an A certificate.
The director revealed the total duration of the movie. “Censor rating for ANIMAL is A 🙂 3 hour 21 minutes 23 seconds & 16 frames is the Runtime 🙂 #AnimalTheFilm Releasing on Dec 1st.”
201 minutes is certainly too lengthy. Of late, filmmakers are locking crisp runtimes. Nonetheless, Sandeep Reddy wanted to narrate the story in his style. He feels removal of any scene will disturb the flow.
Rashmika Mandanna played the heroine, while Anil Kapoor will be seen as Ranbir’s father.
Tags Sandeep Vanga