Artist Surekha Vani posted a picture with her daughter on the occasion of the latter’s birthday. Supritha is celebrating her 21st birthday and her mother, Surekha cannot hold her emotions and instead wrote a long note on social media, showing the world how much she loves her daughter.
Surekha lost her husband in 2019 and she started the note recalling her late husband. “Happy birthday Kanna (chitti talli ma) ur dad use to call u..! I know how much ur ( we) missing him..! Will always try to give u my best..,” she wrote.
Surekha further added that only her daughter knows her thoroughly inside and out. Calling her the best thing that happened to her ever, she ended the note with “Thanking god for giving me the best daughter in this world..! Couldn’t love any 1 more than u in this life ..! No no not even in my next life too..! Praying god for ur bright future lv uuu loads rooiii”.
In the picture, we can see Surekha and Supritha wearing similar outfits with high-slit and heels. They look like sisters and Surekha is often praised for her age-defying looks. The picture also has balloons in the backdrop, bringin in the glitz and charm of a birthday party.
Tags Surekha Vani Surekha Vani Daughter