In 2021, Riot Games debuted the animated series Arcane, based on League of Legends. While most characters were taken directly from the popular game, some characters, including Silco, are original. With that in mind, will he be added to the Rift?
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The series premiered on Netflix in November 2021 and instantly sparked discussions within the League community. Fans came up with numerous theories, some of which seem to be confirmed in season two.
One of the characters created by Riot specifically for Arcane is Silco. Silco is a radical leader from Zaun who wishes to see the region completely severed from Piltover. In Arcane, he’s most closely associated with poisonous gas and chemicals, which led many League fans to believe he could use some of his concoctions on Summoner’s Rift.
Is Silco coming to League of Legends?
Unfortunately for the Silco diehards out there, Silco isn’t coming to League. The Zaun’s Baron was added to another game from Riot, Teamfight Tactics, in February 2022, shortly after Arcane’s release.
As a result, fans anticipated the character to make his way onto the Summoner’s Rift as well, but so far there hasn’t been a single tease hinting that could actually happen.
That likely won’t change, either. Riot confirmed Silco wouldn’t be joining League last year when it revealed the character would be a unit in Set 6.5 of Teamfight Tactics.
Will any Arcane characters be added to League of Legends?
Riot is aiming to add one of its original characters, Ambessa Medarda, to League of Legends.
In the 2024 Look Ahead, Riot revealed some of its plans for the year. The studio shed some light on the champions coming to the game. While two champions are completely new, the third, Ambessa Medarda, is widely known from Arcane.
Medarda made her first appearance in episode eight of Arcane. She shows up like a true Noxian warlord, striking fear in those around her—except maybe Mel Medarda, her daughter.
We’ve yet to receive any details regarding Ambessa’s abilities, but given the cliffhanger in Arcane season one, we’re certain we will see plenty of her in season two. With the show coming back in November, we’re guessing Ambessa’s release date will be around that date as well.